How to Stop Robocalls on Landline Home Phones

Combatting Robocalls Effectively

White Paper  |  Robocalls on Home Phones   |  2024


This White Paper: Exploring strategies to combat robocalls with insights from the FCC, FTC, and wireless industry, including tools, reporting, and preventive measures.


A White Paper Research



In today's interconnected world, where the speed and efficiency of communication are paramount, the phenomenon of robocalls has emerged as a double-edged sword. On one hand, automated calls from trusted entities like pharmacies, airlines, and educational institutions serve as vital conduits for delivering timely information. On the other, the surge in intrusive and illegal robocalls has cast a long shadow over the telecommunications landscape, posing significant challenges to personal privacy and peace of mind.

Robocalls, defined as automated telephone calls that deliver a recorded message, have seen an unprecedented rise in prevalence. This increase is not only a testament to the technological advancements that have made such mass communications possible but also highlights the exploitation of these technologies by unscrupulous actors. The distinction between beneficial automated calls and those that are intrusive and illegal lies in the intent and the authorization behind the message. Whereas legal automated calls aim to inform and facilitate based on prior consent, illegal robocalls often aim to deceive, scam, or annoy recipients, frequently without their consent.

The impact of robocalls on daily life cannot be understated. Beyond the mere inconvenience of unwanted interruptions, these calls can lead to significant psychological distress, privacy breaches, and financial losses for individuals. The incessant ringing of telephones, often at odd hours, disrupts the tranquility of households, while the deceptive practices employed by scam robocalls pose grave risks to those vulnerable to such exploitation. Furthermore, the volume of such calls has overwhelmed many, leading to a growing sense of helplessness among the public and a pressing demand for effective solutions.

In response, stakeholders ranging from telecommunications giants like AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and UScellular, to regulatory bodies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), have mobilized to combat this issue. Through initiatives like AT&T Call Protect, Verizon Call Filter, and T-Mobile's Scam ID and Block, efforts are being made to empower consumers with tools to filter unwanted calls. Similarly, third-party solutions like CPR Call Blocker have gained prominence for their dedicated focus on mitigating robocall disturbances. These measures, alongside legislative efforts and public awareness campaigns, form the multifaceted approach required to address the complexities of robocall regulation and prevention.

Engaging in this discourse, the present article aims to dissect the multifarious aspects of the robocall phenomenon. By examining the preventative measures, technological tools, and legislative frameworks that constitute the frontline defense against unwanted calls, we delve into the ongoing battle between connectivity and privacy in the digital age. Furthermore, through the lens of authoritative sources like CPR Call Blocker, insights into the industry's best practices offer a roadmap for navigating the challenges posed by robocalls. In doing so, the article not only aims to inform but also to empower readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to reclaim control over their telephonic communication.

II. Understanding the Scope of the Problem

The proliferation of robocalls has transformed from a mere annoyance into a significant societal issue, affecting millions of landline users across the United States. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), along with the collective efforts of the wireless industry, including AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and UScellular, have been at the forefront of addressing this pervasive problem. This section delves into the magnitude of robocall issues, the common types that plague landline users, and the regulatory and industry-wide measures to curb their frequency and impact.

Statistics and Data Highlighting the Scale of Robocall Issues

Robocalls have seen an exponential increase over the past decade, with billions of unwanted calls made to American consumers each year. According to industry reports, an estimated 58.5 billion robocalls were made in 2019 alone, marking a significant rise from previous years. This surge underscores not only the technological ease with which such calls can be made but also the sheer volume of attempts by unscrupulous entities to breach personal privacy and security. The analytics providers like Hiya and First Orion, alongside initiatives like AT&T's Call Protect and Verizon's Call Filter, have documented this uptick, providing crucial data to understand and combat the issue effectively.

The latest data and statistics about the number of robocalls is available on YouMail the Robocall Index.


Description of Common Types of Robocalls Targeting Landline Users

Robocalls targeting landline users can be broadly categorized into two types: legitimate and illegitimate. Legitimate robocalls include automated messages from pharmacies about prescription refills, airlines about flight changes, and schools regarding closures or emergencies. These calls serve a functional purpose and are generally welcomed by recipients.

Conversely, illegitimate robocalls encompass a range of unwanted communications, from telemarketing pitches despite the National Do Not Call Registry to outright scams. These include, but are not limited to, fraudulent schemes pretending to be IRS demands for back taxes, bogus tech support claims, and fake charity donation requests. Such calls exploit the trust and lack of information among the public, often leading to financial losses or personal data breaches.

Efforts by FCC, FTC, and the Wireless Industry to Combat Robocalls

Recognizing the gravity of the robocall epidemic, regulatory bodies and the telecommunications industry have embarked on a series of initiatives aimed at mitigating the issue. The FCC has been instrumental in advocating for and implementing caller ID authentication through standards like STIR/SHAKEN to combat caller ID spoofing. Furthermore, the Commission has empowered carriers to block illegal and unwanted calls by default, based on reasonable call analytics, bolstering consumer defenses against these nuisances.

The FTC's contributions have been equally significant, focusing on consumer education, enforcement actions against violators, and the management of the National Do Not Call Registry. By providing a platform for consumers to report unwanted calls, the FTC has been able to gather valuable data to inform policy and enforcement strategies.

Parallel to regulatory efforts, the wireless industry has developed advanced tools and services to protect consumers. AT&T's Call Protect, Verizon's Call Filter, T-Mobile's Scam ID and Block, and UScellular's Call Guardian represent a concerted effort to offer customers more control over the calls they receive. These services, along with third-party apps like Nomorobo and CPR Call Blocker, utilize sophisticated algorithms to identify and block potential robocall threats before they reach the consumer.

III. Preventative Measures

In the digital age, where connectivity is almost instantaneous, the rise of robocalls has posed significant challenges to personal privacy and security. With the FCC, FTC, and wireless industry, including giants like AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and UScellular, ramping up efforts to combat this issue, individual vigilance remains paramount. This section underscores the importance of preventative measures that individuals can employ to mitigate the impact of robocalls, focusing on caution with unknown callers, safeguarding personal information, and the critical examination of privacy policies.

Importance of Being Cautious with Unknown Callers

The first line of defense against the potential threat of robocalls lies in the judicious handling of calls from unknown numbers. Statistics from analytics providers such as Hiya and First Orion reveal a staggering volume of robocalls, underscoring the need for heightened caution. Engaging device features to block unknown calls, a functionality available in many modern cordless phones, serves as a practical step towards this precaution. Moreover, services like AT&T Call Protect and Verizon Call Filter offer network-based solutions that preemptively screen and flag suspicious calls, empowering users to make informed decisions about answering unknown calls.

Guidelines on Not Providing Personal Information to Unverified Callers

Robocalls, particularly those of a fraudulent nature, often seek to extract sensitive personal information from unsuspecting individuals. The FCC and FTC have consistently highlighted the dangers of interacting with or providing personal data to unverified callers. This concern is amplified in the case of landline users who may not have access to advanced call-blocking features provided by wireless carriers or third-party apps like Nomorobo and CPR Call Blocker.

To safeguard against these risks, consumers are advised to adhere to a set of guidelines meticulously. These include verifying the caller's identity through independent means, such as directly contacting the purported organization via official channels. Additionally, the principle of minimization should govern the sharing of information over the phone — that is, providing no more personal data than absolutely necessary, and only when the authenticity of the caller has been confirmed beyond doubt.

Tips for Reading Privacy Policies Before Sharing Your Phone Number with Businesses

The practice of sharing personal phone numbers with businesses, whether online or in physical stores, has become commonplace. However, this seemingly benign action can inadvertently increase one's exposure to robocalls. Businesses may, as part of their privacy policies, reserve the right to use your phone number for marketing purposes or, more concerning, share it with third-party partners.

Consumers must exercise diligence in reviewing these privacy policies before consenting to share their phone numbers. Key aspects to look for include the business's commitment to not selling or sharing personal information without explicit consent and the options available to consumers for opting out of such communications. Engaging with businesses that demonstrate transparency and respect for consumer privacy, as evidenced through their policies, can significantly reduce the likelihood of one's phone number being exploited for unsolicited calls.


IV. Tools and Technologies to Block Robocalls

In an era where robocalls have become a ubiquitous disturbance, the battle against them has spurred innovation and regulatory action. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the wireless industry, including major carriers like AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and UScellular, have developed a multi-pronged approach to protect consumers. This section explores the array of tools and technologies designed to block robocalls, spanning carrier-specific solutions, third-party devices, and built-in phone features.

A. Carrier-Specific Solutions

Overview of Tools Offered by Major Carriers

Major telecommunications carriers have rolled out a variety of services aimed at curtailing the flood of unwanted calls to their subscribers. For instance, AT&T's Call Protect and Verizon's Call Filter are services that leverage advanced analytics to identify and block potential robocalls before they reach the consumer. Similarly, T-Mobile's Scam ID and Block and UScellular's Call Guardian offer subscribers tools to safeguard against fraudulent calls, implementing network-level protections that are continuously updated to respond to new threats.

How to Activate These Services and Their Effectiveness

Activating these services typically involves either downloading a carrier-provided app or adjusting settings via the carrier's website or through customer service. For example, AT&T Call Protect can be activated through both an app and AT&T's online account management platform, offering users flexibility in how they choose to engage the service.

The effectiveness of these solutions has been significant, with reports indicating a noticeable decrease in the volume of robocalls received by subscribers who have activated these services. By employing a combination of blacklist databases, call analytics, and user feedback, carriers are able to dynamically adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of robocall tactics.

B. Third-Party Blocking Devices and Apps

Recommended Robocall Blocking Apps for Landlines

In addition to carrier-specific options, several third-party apps have emerged as effective tools in the fight against robocalls. Nomorobo, Hiya, and CPR Call Blocker are among the highly recommended solutions for landline users. These apps and services work by cross-referencing incoming calls with extensive databases of known robocall numbers, allowing them to preemptively block unwanted calls.

Description of Third-Party Blocking Devices That Can Be Attached to Landline Phones

For those seeking hardware solutions, third-party blocking devices offer a tangible means of filtering calls. Devices like the CPR Call Blocker plug directly into landline phones, providing an immediate barrier against robocalls. These devices often feature the ability to manually blacklist numbers, as well as whitelist numbers to ensure important calls are never missed.

The Role of Caller ID in Enabling Call Blocking Features

Caller ID plays a crucial role in enabling both app-based and hardware call blocking solutions. By providing real-time information about the incoming call, caller ID allows these technologies to effectively screen and block potential robocalls based on predetermined criteria or known blacklists.

C. Using Built-in Phone Features

Utilizing Features in Cordless Phone Systems to Block Unwanted Calls

Modern cordless phone systems often come equipped with integrated call blocking features. These built-in functions allow users to block numbers directly from the handset, offering a user-friendly method to prevent unwanted calls.

Setting Up Call Blockers or Smart Call Blockers for Older Phones

For older phones, setting up smart call blockers may require additional steps, such as connecting third-party devices or subscribing to carrier-specific services that support legacy equipment. Despite these challenges, the integration of such technologies into older systems underscores the comprehensive nature of efforts to combat robocalls across all types of telephony.


V. Legislative and Industry Efforts

The battle against robocalls, a pervasive issue that plagues millions of Americans, has seen concerted efforts from both legislative bodies and the telecommunications industry. These endeavors aim to safeguard consumer privacy and ensure the integrity of communication networks. This segment delves into the pivotal roles played by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the National Do-Not-Call Registry, and the wireless industry, including AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and UScellular, in combating the robocall menace.

Information on FCC and FTC Initiatives Against Robocalls

The FCC and FTC have been at the forefront of the fight against robocalls, implementing a series of measures designed to protect consumers and penalize perpetrators. The FCC's adoption of the STIR/SHAKEN protocol, a caller ID authentication framework, marks a significant advancement in curbing caller ID spoofing, a technique frequently employed in robocall scams. This initiative compels carriers to verify the authenticity of caller ID information, thus reducing the efficacy of spoofing tactics.

Simultaneously, the FTC's aggressive enforcement actions against violators of robocall regulations underscore the agency's commitment to consumer protection. Through litigations and settlements, the FTC has dismantled numerous operations responsible for billions of illegal robocalls, sending a clear message about the legal repercussions of engaging in such deceptive practices.

The Role of the Do-Not-Call Registry and How to Register

A cornerstone of consumer defense against unwanted solicitations is the National Do-Not-Call Registry, managed by the FTC. This registry allows consumers to opt-out of telemarketing calls, providing a mechanism for individuals to express their preference not to be contacted for commercial purposes. Registering is a straightforward process, accessible via the registry's website or by phone. Once a number is listed, telemarketers are required by law to refrain from calling, with certain exceptions for existing business relationships and non-profit organizations. The effectiveness of the Do-Not-Call Registry in reducing telemarketing calls highlights the critical role of regulatory measures in enhancing consumer autonomy over communication channels.

Actions the Wireless Industry is Taking to Minimize Robocalls

The wireless industry's response to the robocall challenge has been multifaceted, leveraging technology, policy, and consumer education to tackle the issue. Carriers like AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and UScellular have introduced services such as Call Protect, Call Filter, Scam ID and Block, and Call Guardian, respectively. These services employ advanced analytics and databases of known scam numbers to preemptively identify and block potentially fraudulent calls.

Moreover, the industry's collaboration with analytics providers like Hiya, Nomorobo, and CPR Call Blocker exemplifies the public-private partnership model in action. By sharing intelligence and resources, these entities enhance the collective ability to detect and mitigate robocall threats.

In addition to technical solutions, the industry's advocacy for stronger legislative and regulatory frameworks plays a crucial role in addressing the root causes of robocalls. Efforts to promote the adoption of universal caller ID authentication standards and the imposition of stricter penalties for violations are testament to the industry's commitment to combating robocalls.

Wired has a detailed article on How to Block Spam Calls and Text Messages.


VI. Reporting Unwanted Calls

In the ongoing battle against the scourge of robocalls, a key weapon in the arsenal of consumers is the ability to report these unwanted intrusions to the appropriate authorities and service providers. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the wireless industry, including AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and UScellular, have established mechanisms through which consumers can actively participate in the fight against robocalls. This segment outlines the critical steps for reporting unwanted calls, the significance of forwarding SPAM text messages to 7726, and the collective efforts to mitigate this pervasive issue.

Steps to Report Robocalls to the FTC, FCC, and Your Phone Carrier

Reporting to the FTC: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) oversees the National Do-Not-Call Registry and operates as a primary agency combating deceptive and intrusive robocalls. Consumers can report unwanted calls through the FTC’s online complaint assistant or by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP. When filing a report, providing details such as the date and time of the call, the caller's identity (if known), and the content of any message left can enhance the FTC's ability to take action against offenders.

Reporting to the FCC: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) plays a crucial role in regulating communication channels and enforcing policies designed to protect consumers from unwanted calls. Individuals can report robocalls, caller ID spoofing, and spam text messages to the FCC via their online complaint form or by contacting 1-888-CALL-FCC. Similar to reporting to the FTC, offering specific details about the unwanted call can aid in the investigation and potential regulatory action.

Contacting Your Phone Carrier: Major carriers, such as AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and UScellular, encourage customers to report unwanted calls. Most have established protocols, accessible through customer service or carrier-specific apps like AT&T Call Protect, Verizon Call Filter, and T-Mobile’s Scam ID and Block. These platforms not only allow users to block future calls from specific numbers but also contribute to the carriers' broader efforts to identify and mitigate robocall campaigns.

How Forwarding SPAM Text Messages to 7726 Can Help

In addition to voice robocalls, SPAM text messages constitute a significant portion of unwanted communications. The wireless industry has unified around the shortcode 7726 (which spells out "SPAM" on a traditional phone keypad) as a standard channel for reporting spam texts. Forwarding suspicious or unwanted texts to 7726 enables your carrier to investigate the source and take necessary actions to block similar messages in the future. This collaborative effort between consumers and carriers enhances the overall effectiveness of spam filtering technologies and contributes to a cleaner, more secure digital communication environment.

The collective endeavor by regulatory agencies, the telecommunications industry, and consumers is essential in curtailing the impact of robocalls and SPAM messages. By leveraging the reporting mechanisms provided by the FTC, FCC, and wireless carriers, and by utilizing tools like the spam reporting shortcode 7726, individuals can play an active role in this ongoing battle. The synergy between consumer vigilance, regulatory enforcement, and technological innovation represents the best hope for achieving meaningful reductions in unwanted communications and preserving the integrity of our telecommunication networks.


VII. Additional Resources

In the comprehensive battle against the proliferation of robocalls, access to reliable resources and the utilization of robust analytics tools are indispensable. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and major players within the wireless industry, such as AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and UScellular, have all underscored the importance of leveraging technology and information in curtailing unwanted calls. This section provides an overview of essential links, contact information for analytics providers, and guidance for legitimate callers to navigate the evolving landscape of communication without falling into the trap of being inadvertently blocked.

Links and Contact Information for Analytics Providers and Apps

The role of analytics providers like Hiya, First Orion, and Nomorobo in the fight against robocalls cannot be overstated. By analyzing call data, identifying patterns associated with unwanted calls, and providing solutions integrated with carrier services such as AT&T Call Protect, Verizon Call Filter, and T-Mobile’s Scam ID and Block, these providers offer vital support to both consumers and businesses:


offers comprehensive call-blocking and caller identification services. More information can be found on their support page: Hiya Support.


First Orion
specializes in phone call and data transparency solutions. Details on their offerings can be found here: First Orion.

Nomorobo is renowned for its effectiveness in blocking robocalls and is available for both landlines and mobile phones. For support and queries: Nomorobo Help.

These resources provide not only tools for consumers to protect themselves but also avenues for businesses to ensure their communication strategies remain effective and compliant with regulatory standards.

How Legitimate Callers Can Ensure Their Calls are Not Blocked

As the telecommunications industry intensifies its efforts to shield consumers from unsolicited calls, legitimate businesses may find their communications inadvertently affected. Ensuring that lawful calls reach their intended recipients without being flagged as potential robocalls involves several best practices:

  • Registration with Analytics Providers: Legitimate callers should proactively engage with analytics providers, such as Hiya and First Orion, to register their numbers. This step helps ensure that their calls are accurately labeled, thus minimizing the chances of being wrongfully blocked or flagged.

  • Compliance with STIR/SHAKEN: Adhering to the STIR/SHAKEN standards is crucial for businesses. This caller ID authentication framework is central to the industry's strategy against caller ID spoofing. By certifying their outbound calls through this protocol, businesses can significantly enhance the legitimacy of their communications.

  • Transparent Communication Practices: Businesses should maintain transparency in their calling practices, including clearly identifying themselves in outbound calls and providing easy opt-out mechanisms for recipients. Such practices not only build trust with consumers but also align with regulatory expectations, further reducing the risk of being classified as unwanted callers.

  • Engagement with Carrier-specific Platforms: Companies should familiarize themselves with and utilize carrier-specific platforms designed to manage caller reputations, such as Verizon's Business and Government Customer Operations or AT&T's Business Solutions.


VIII. Conclusion

The pervasive issue of robocalls transcends mere annoyance, representing a significant intrusion into the privacy and tranquility of individuals' lives. Throughout this article, we have explored the multifaceted efforts undertaken by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the wireless industry, including AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and UScellular, to combat this modern nuisance. We have delved into the realm of legislative actions, industry initiatives, and the array of tools and technologies developed to shield consumers from the unwelcome reach of robocalls. As we conclude, it is imperative to underscore the critical importance of these endeavors in safeguarding not only our privacy but also our peace of mind.

Robocalls, in their illegitimate form, exploit the openness and accessibility of our communication systems, casting a shadow over the remarkable advancements in telecommunications that have connected us in unprecedented ways. They not only disrupt our daily lives but also pose significant risks to our personal and financial well-being. The efforts by the FCC and FTC, underscored by initiatives like the National Do-Not-Call Registry and the STIR/SHAKEN standards, exemplify a regulatory commitment to curtailing these disruptions. Furthermore, the wireless industry's proactive measures, including carrier-specific solutions like AT&T Call Protect, Verizon Call Filter, and T-Mobile’s Scam ID and Block, alongside the contributions of analytics providers like Hiya, First Orion, and Nomorobo, represent a technological bulwark against this tide.

However, the fight against robocalls is not solely the domain of regulatory bodies and telecommunications providers. It is a shared responsibility that calls for active participation from each one of us. Reporting unwanted calls to the FTC, FCC, and our respective phone carriers, utilizing the spam reporting shortcode 7726 for unwanted texts, and engaging with the array of blocking technologies available are critical steps we can all take. Each report contributes to a broader understanding of the robocall landscape, aiding in the development of more effective countermeasures.

Moreover, the adoption of preventive measures plays a crucial role in individual defense against robocalls. Being cautious with unknown callers, guarding our personal information diligently, and scrutinizing the privacy policies of businesses before sharing our phone numbers are practices that enhance our resilience against these intrusions.

In conclusion, the journey toward minimizing the impact of robocalls on our lives is ongoing and requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders involved. The regulatory frameworks established by the FCC and FTC, combined with the technological innovations from the wireless industry and third-party providers, form a robust defense mechanism. Yet, the efficacy of these measures is significantly amplified by our proactive engagement and vigilance.

Let us, therefore, remain steadfast in our resolve to combat robocalls, armed with the tools, knowledge, and strategies discussed. Together, through a combination of reporting, using preventive measures, and leveraging the available technological solutions, we can reclaim the sanctity of our communication channels, ensuring that our connections remain uninterrupted by unwarranted intrusions. In doing so, we not only protect our privacy but also preserve the integrity of our peace of mind in the digital age.


IX. References

In the discourse on mitigating the pervasive issue of robocalls—a nuisance that disrupts the tranquility of our daily lives and poses significant risks to our privacy and security—a plethora of resources, initiatives, and tools have been identified. These resources provide invaluable insights into the regulatory frameworks, technological innovations, and strategic measures aimed at combating robocalls. For those seeking to delve deeper into the mechanisms of robocall regulations, consumer rights, and the collective efforts of the wireless industry, the following references are indispensable:

Federal Communications Commission (FCC):

As the primary regulatory body overseeing communications in the United States, the FCC has been instrumental in implementing policies and standards to protect consumers from unwanted robocalls. Their website offers a wealth of information on caller ID authentication standards, like STIR/SHAKEN, and guidelines for consumers to safeguard against these calls. Visit for comprehensive details on robocall regulations and resources for reporting unwanted calls.


Federal Trade Commission (FTC):

The FTC plays a critical role in consumer protection, managing the National Do-Not-Call Registry and spearheading enforcement actions against violators of robocall regulations. Their website is a vital resource for understanding consumer rights, reporting robocalls, and accessing tips on preventing unwanted calls. For more information on the FTC’s initiatives and to report robocalls, visit


CTIA - The Wireless Association:

CTIA represents the wireless communications industry and has been proactive in addressing the challenge of robocalls through technological solutions and industry standards. Their dedicated portal,, provides updates on the industry's efforts, highlighting advancements in call-blocking technology and collaborative initiatives aimed at reducing the incidence of unwanted calls.

These references serve not only as a testament to the concerted efforts undertaken by regulatory bodies and the wireless industry but also as a beacon for consumers navigating the complexities of modern telecommunications. By leveraging the resources provided by the FCC, FTC, and CTIA, individuals can equip themselves with the knowledge and tools necessary to confront the challenge of robocalls head-on.

In addition to these primary sources, consumers are encouraged to explore the services and technologies offered by major carriers like AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and UScellular, as well as third-party analytics providers such as Hiya, First Orion, and Nomorobo. These entities offer a range of solutions, from call-blocking apps to analytics services, designed to enhance consumer protection against the deluge of robocalls.


About the article author:

The article above draws upon the expertise of CPR Call Blocker, a leading authority in the field of telecommunication security. With years of dedicated research and innovation, CPR Call Blocker has established itself as a pivotal force in the battle against unwanted robocalls and telemarketing scams. Known for their advanced call blocking technology, CPR Call Blocker's products and insights are highly sought after by both consumers and professionals looking to safeguard their privacy and enhance their communication experience. Their commitment to quality and consumer protection is reflected in the depth of knowledge and practical solutions they offer to combat the pervasive issue of unwanted calls. As an industry pioneer, CPR Call Blocker continues to set the standard for call blocking excellence, making them a trusted name in telecommunications security.