Know How To Stop Scam Robocalls And Texts

Know How To Stop Scam Robocalls And Texts

Calls were initially used to connect people and spread important news and information to anyone; however, it’s also been used to trick people into getting easy money out of them. Learn how to protect yourself from this unfortunate event.

Receiving calls from unknown callers can trigger your curiosity, excitement, or even anxiety. You don’t know why you’re receiving this call and automatically just answer it to figure out what’s going on.

Learning the basics of robocall will help you decide if it’s alright to give your personal information to them or not.

What is the purpose of robocall?

A robocall is simply an automated call. These automated calls are originally used to send important messages to multiple people at once. Usually, it is used for nationwide alert information, updates for credit payments, charity messages, and reminders from your health care providers.

The intention for this technology is basically to inform the public about important matters.

Eventually, advertisers began using the technology for their phone campaigns. Unfortunately, scammers insist on getting your personal information also began using it as well. They see this as a gateway to reach more victims than ever. So, they create their servers to call multiple people and disguise themselves as callers from legit companies. Then when they sense that your trust is already theirs, they will get your personal information to hack your bank accounts for their “trophy.” They do this by saying you have “won” something and need your personal details or making you pay for something because you’ll get arrested if not.

What happens if you answer a robocall?

If you happen to answer a robocall, your number will now be listed as “active” in their server for future references. This gives them a clue that someone owns it, and they can send you calls until you get their bait.

Now, don’t worry too much about receiving a robocall. Again, robocalls are initially a form of sending information and promotions to the public, but they’re not 100% free from spam and scams.

It’s alright to answer a robocall if you know the number is from a legit advertising agency or company. The catch, however, is that you should determine if it’s genuine or not.

It may be hard for you to know that at first because the way they engage you in a conversation is all the same.

One good tip to follow from answering a robocall is never give your personal information immediately when they ask you; instead, try to ask them why to lengthen the conversation. In this way, you can buy yourself some time to check and validate if the call is a fraud or not.

Ask questions related to the thing they’re offering. You may use your other gadgets to look for frequently asked questions in the company they’re talking about for your reference.

Now, if the company they claim represents the one you frequently engage with, try asking questions that you’ve already encountered with them to see if they will answer the same. If not better, hang up right then and there.

Another tip is to hang up if you’ve been called by the same caller several times already. This is a clear sign of eagerness to connect you with them. Again, it’s a trap that you need to avoid.

It’s also recommended that you block the number using a call blocker device so that they won’t bother you ever again. A call-blocking gadget like a CPR call blocker is an excellent investment for your peace of mind.

Who is behind robocalls?

People behind robocalls are anyone who aims to reach more people for their company’s purpose. They can be people who want to gain more customers for their products or professional scammers who wish to make some easy money from their potential victims.

Though robocalls are computer-generated calls, they are still operated by humans. People behind them are experts in complex computer codes and information technology. In addition, they are knowledgeable on how to get and keep customers informed on their servers for future references.

Usually, phone numbers and email addresses are the first information they need to put in their call registry for future use.

How do you stop robocalls?

Stopping robocalls requires the presence of mind. At that exact moment, you need to identify if you have answered a legit robocall or a scam call. You should practice extreme caution from giving out your personal information over the phone all the time.

Here are some tips to stop robocalls:

1.) Don’t answer an unknown number

When you were a small kid, our parents often told us not to talk with strangers. This notion should also apply when receiving an unknown caller. However, this can cause good and bad effects as well.

As mentioned, robocalls are initially a legit call for the public’s information. So if you happened to receive a robocall from a legitimate source and didn’t answer it, you would lose the opportunity in that call. Meanwhile, if the call is from a fraud source, then you’ve been saved from misfortunes that lie from it.

You will know which is which if you have a call-blocking gadget like a CPR call blocker. This device has a feature that records numbers from illegal callers in your country. In using this, your chances of getting scammed wouldn’t get in your head anymore.

2.) Never engage in their “business talks.”

Once you’ve answered a robocall, you are tasked to press some numbers to proceed. Sometimes, a caller representative will talk to you instead.

These caller representatives are trained to keep you engaged in the conversation and follow their instructions without you knowing the reason behind them. Unfortunately, it can be pretty tricky to avoid this, and it takes a lot of social conversation practice to spot one.

Always trust your gut feelings. If it’s too good to be true, then it might not be true at all. If they are trying to agitate you, stop and think for a minute or hang up.

3.) Report to your local authorities who’s responsible for phone frauds.

There are lists of illegal robocalls in your local authorities. If you happen to receive a call from an unfamiliar number that is not listed on their list, try to ask for their help. Reporting a scam to the federal communications commission will help catch who is behind it.

Doing this may be tedious on your part, but you’ll help others be safe as well.

4.) Check your phone’s call blocking settings.

All phones have this kind of settings that needs to be configured by the owner. However, it is not an automatic feature. That’s why it is your responsibility to turn it on.

5.) Download anti-robocall apps.

Anti-robocall apps work wonders too. All you have to do is download it and configure the settings you want, and you’re good to go.

6.) Use anti-nuisance phone call tools.

This is by far the best way to stop robocalls from reaching you. A simple device that’s already been set up for you with an added layer of protection and easy-to-use feature works wonders. All you have to do is connect it to your phone and worry no more.

CPR call blocker is an excellent call blocking device. It’s already been awarded as the best of its kind by many awarding bodies. Anyone in your office and home can easily use this. No complicated settings are needed to configure this. All you have to do is connect it to your phone, and you’re done.

7.) Last Call.

Not all robocalls are spam. Some of them are indeed legal. Just make sure to identify which calls are true robocalls or not.

To add more protection, try using a CPR call blocker. It’s a call-blocking gadget loaded with easy-to-use features that are suited for all ages. You can choose which model would suit your lifestyle, office, and even home. Just check on our website to learn more:

Better invest in an excellent call blocking device than regret and be sorry after you’ve been scammed.